In 1992, Thomas Hermanns introduced Germany to stand-up comedy with his live show called «Quatsch Comedy Club». The TV show of the same name has been broadcast by Germany’s ProSieben television station since 1996 and is the longest running comedy format on German television. Hermanns also stages shows for well-known German comedy stars like Michael Mittermaier and Kaya Yanar. For his work he has received the German Comedy Award and the Golden Camera Award 2006.
The Rose d’Or, one of the world’s most important festivals in entertainment television, may also have contributed to the German entertainer’s success story. «In the area of quality entertainment Rose d’Or has inspired me from the start of my career,» says Hermanns. Since the late eighties, he has visited the festival on a regular basis and watched the programmes for three days. «Freshly inspired, we would then head back to Germany and try to become as good as BBC. The television version of «Quatsch Comedy Club» was also conceived in such an euphoric mood – tape local, but think global! Inspired by the Rose.»
Tickets for Comedy Night available by end of July
At this year’s Rose d’Or anniversary event Hermanns will once again play a leading role. The comedian is scheduled to host two festival highlights: the festival’s Opening Night on Saturday, 18 September, and the traditional Comedy Night on Tuesday, 21 September. Thomas Hermanns is already looking forward to travelling to Lucerne. «Especially to meeting international humour professionals. In Germany we tend to restrict our focus on German perspectives and German taste, which is due to a strong and prosperous home market. An international festival opens our eyes time and again.»
While the opening night is a private event for representatives of the entertainment television industry and invited guests, the Comedy Night is open to the public. It will be held at the festival centre, Hotel Schweizerhof in Lucerne. Tickets will be available by end of July.
Further information is available at
Rose d’Or – Festival and Prize
The Rose d’Or is one of the most important annual events in the international television industry. It was founded in Montreux in 1961 and has been held in Lucerne since 2004. With over 40 countries taking part, the Rose d’Or attracts leading television makers, producers and production companies, and executives from independent and public service broadcasters. Since its creation, it has been a networking platform for the onscreen entertainment community, and a meeting place to discuss ideas and formats. The festival culminates in a Gala Awards Ceremony, at which prestigious Golden Roses for the best television entertainment programmes of the year are awarded. Throughout its 50 year history, the festival’s goal has been to reward originality, quality and creativity in entertainment programming, and to encourage excellence in television and new media.