Switzerland’s first integrated business and finance platform is now offered exclusively in a digital format. This will drive its strategy of producing up-to-date business news, which includes an entirely paperless distribution by 2012. Due to declining trends in the ad market, the board of directors of Ringier AG has approved the management’s proposal to take this step now. This will result in 23 job cuts. For the affected employees a social plan is being worked out.
The platforms cash.ch, cash TV, WebTV as well as mobile applications will continue to be offered. The range of current business information will be expanded and as a next step made available via e-reader technology and other mobile applications.
cash.ch is the leading provider of business-relevant information in Switzerland. The platform recorded 2,522,000 visits with 330,000 unique clients in the month of February alone (source: WEMF Net Metrix Audit). Over the same period, the next provider, Handelszeitung, recorded 131,943 visits with 78,000 unique clients. The mobile application of cash had 271,021 visits, while the programs of cash TV reached an average of 166,000 viewers. And the videos available at cash.ch were viewed 141,971 times in February. Over the past two years, cash achieved annual revenue growth of 30 percent.
With this purely digital offer structure, cash is pursuing its strategy of producing up-to-date business and financial information. Its strong and well-positioned brand will remain in use, and for Ringier cash will continue to serve as a future-oriented platform to implement innovative ideas and introduce new technologies.
Communications Ringier Switzerland