With headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, P Live is a news editor and entertainment completely new, independent, non-partisan for the region. It will work with major local and international publishers to provide the East Africa region with live, updated content every minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from the latest local and international news Minute up to a large number of entertainment programs.
Pulse / P Live recorded a significant international expansion, so that in December 2016, Pulse announced the launch titles Men’s Health & Women’s Health in West Africa in the fitness industry. In January 2017, the company has already announced the launch of Business Insider for SSA that will allow the internationally recognized commercial basis to cover also the SSA. In addition, Pulse is already providing its users with news content in partnership with the New York Times and Agence France-Presse as well as live sports results with Sportradar. Along with the production of domestic content in Pulse , the editor as well as a platform for highly structured content.
Active on the local and regional level, Pulse / P Live also focused on a close partnership with the entertainment blog Ghafla , with whom a partnership was ended last year, to incorporate the best content Entertainment in East Africa. Ghafla play a major role in providing local entertainment content in Kenya and East Africa to a wider audience on P Live.
As part of its pan-African expansion, Pulse / P Live also launches today P Deals , which focuses on providing merchants of all sizes and present online or elsewhere financially more affordable methods to promote their goods and services To a large audience of millions of people online.
Ghana and Kenya, the sister company of Ringier Africa Digital Publishing (APER), Ringier Africa Deals Group (RADG), will see its commerce platforms online discounts Tisu and Rupu merge respectively with P Promos ; they thus leave the initial stage of online business to offer new ways for merchants to reach a wide customer base, under the brand P Promos.
Tim Kollmann, directeur exécutif de Ringier Africa Digital Publishing: « Pulse is an independent news media editor, reliable and admired in Nigeria and Ghana, operated by local media respected leaders. With P Live , we are proud to spread these values now in Kenya and throughout East Africa region, building on local and international partners with whom we work and that we present to a wide audience In the region. The continued expansion of our publishing activities reflects the growth of the market for journalism and smart, informative and quality content in Africa. »
The Ringier Group Deals Africa (RADG), e-commerce joint venture between Ringier and Africa Internet Silvertree Holdings, will focus entirely on the largest market of Internet Africa, Nigeria, with its internationally recognized brands and appreciated DealDey (products & services ); Promohub (promotion of products & service) and Lyf (directory products & services).
In the future, the group will focus on the prosperous market for African online commerce, enabling consumers to access not only products, but also vertical, online services through its brands . Already number one in the wellness and beauty sectors, ticketing, municipal services, restaurants and various flash sales, RADG will make significant investments to develop more functions for merchants and consumers in these sectors.
Paul Cook, CEO de Ringier Africa Deals Group & associé de Silvertree Internet Holdings: « We are fully focused on the online commerce market in Nigeria, investing in expanding products and services. We define transactions as anything that adds value to our customers and our dealers, and we will not stop our expansion as all Nigerians will not have access to the services offered by DealDey , PromoHub and Lyf while learning New merchants and new experiences. »
In addition to Ringier Africa Digital Publishing (RADP) and Ringier Africa Deals Group (RADG), Ringier Africa operates Ringier Digital Marketing (RDM), its complete pan-African digital partner, and is in the process of implementing Ringier One Africa Media (ROAM) The main African group of classifieds.