DOMO 3 / 2018


The CEO explains the important points of the new corporate strategy and reveals where his own weaknesses lie.
Blockchain has triggered a surge of Innovations. an increasing number of media companies are beginning to tackle this technology.


4 Tell us, Marc Walder… The CEO explains the important points of the new corporate strategy and reveals where his own weknesses lie.

8 The next big challenge Blockchain has triggered a surge of innovations. an increasing number of media companies are beginning to tackle this technology.

12 «Emotionally unbearable» An interview with former Blick author Peter Hossli about his first book. Why he paid rent to the Mafia, where he goes to cry and why he goes off on assignment for selfish reasons.

16 Focus on Ringier The best press photos of the last quarter.

18 The price of Investigative Journalism Journalists end editorial teams increasingly collaborate to pool their invetigative resources. But who is allowed to participate? And do private media companies end up profiting from duties paid by the public?

22 The hype is over The share price is in the doldrums, followers are deserting. The world’s biggest social network is in a crisis.

24 Accolades, attire ant other attractions News from the world of Ringier: happy award winners, gamers and a new shop.

26 Sir Dracula can sing, too How English actor Christopher Lee rendered a group of journalists speechless in Locarno.

28 Money instead of character Publisher Micheal Ringier discusses the differences between Zofingen’s Wigger valley and California’s Silicon Valley.

29 My Week – Leonie von Elverfeldt Chapati, traffic jams, team parties and safaris in «the world’s most beautiful country».

30 The Just-do-it-Girl Anniversary: Priska Wallimann/ Recommended reading by Marc Walder.


The printed edition of the Ringier Corporate Magazine and further information about Ringier can be obtained from Media Relations.

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